Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Ukraine President Rules Out Tymoshenko Treatment Abroad

Ukrainian President Vitkor Yanukovych has ruled out the idea of jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko being released for treatment abroad ahead of next month's Euro 2012 soccer championships, which Ukraine and Poland are hosting.

His remarks come as Germany has offered to provide medical care to the ailing ex-premier and again hinted at a possible boycott by Chancellor Angela Merkel of matches played in Ukraine once the tournament kicks off in co-host Poland on June 8.

Yanukovych told Ukrainian television that the country's laws prevented Tymoshenko receiving treatment during her sentence.

He added that pro-government deputies were firmly against the idea of changing those laws.

The 51-year-old Tymoshenko was jailed for seven years in October on abuse of power charges that she claimed were a part of Yanukovych's vendetta against her.

A number of Western governments and the European Union have criticized the legal proceedings targeting Tymoshenko, a heroine of Ukraine's 2004-05 Orange Revolution, and her allies.

A Ukrainian court opened a fresh trial for alleged tax crimes against Tymoshenko in early April.

Based on reporting by Interfax and AFP

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Reactie op De twitterende cardioloog: Philips & innovatie in de zorg via Twitter door De twitterende cardioloog: Philips & innovatie in de zorg via Twitter | Faxion

Wat kun je als grote organisatie met sociale media? In?een serie artikelen laat ik zien?hoe Philips sociale media inzet. Daarbij?gaat het niet alleen om mooie?marketingcampagnes,?want sociale media kun je ook uitstekend?inzetten bij serieuze?onderwerpen. Zoals een hartoperatie. Lees het verhaal?van?@hartpatientAd en zijn @cardioloogLukas over innovatie in de zorg, die samen met het Catharina Ziekenhuis is opgezet. Je leest hoe je sociale media gebruikt om een ingewikkeld verhaal eenvoudig te maken en om mensen bij elkaar te brengen.

Innovatie is van levensbelang

Samen met het Catharina Hartcentrum in Eindhoven heeft Philips deze winter?sociale?media ingezet rond een hartoperatie, om?op een toegankelijke?manier te laten zien hoe belangrijk innovatie in de?gezondheidszorg is. Budgetten voor innovatie staan onder?druk, maar dankzij innovatie is steeds meer mogelijk. Mensen die?bijvoorbeeld lijden aan boezemfibrileren, zouden 10 jaar geleden soms voor de rest?van hun leven chronisch ziek?zijn. Zij kunnen nu echter met een operatieve ingreep?worden geholpen, waardoor ze hun oude leven vaak weer kunnen hervatten. Dit kan dankzij technische innovaties met een belangrijke maatschappelijke waarde.?Hoe vertel je zo?n ingewikkeld verhaal op een?aansprekende manier? Philips en het Catharina Hartcentrum besloten sociale media in te zetten en zo ontstond het project Hartpatient Ad.

Het verhaal van Ad

Patient Ad kwam er in augustus 2011 achter dat hij boezemfibrilleren heeft.??Het trekt?een enorme wissel op mijn normale doen en laten.? Zo?was hij niet meer in staat om zijn?werk als chauffeur te doen of de?voetbalwedstrijden van z?n zoontje te bezoeken. Ook in?huis moest hij?vrijwel alle klussen aan z?n vrouw overlaten. Een zware situatie voor een?tot voorheen normaal werkende man van 45. Eind januari 2012 werd hij?geopereerd en?dat was via sociale media van minuut tot minuut te?volgen.

Niet praten vanuit de techniek, maar het echte verhaal vertellen

Doel van het project was om juist niet vanuit de techniek of budgetten te gaan praten,?maar?om vanuit het perspectief van echte mensen te beleven wat?innovatie in de?zorg betekent. Er?werd een online platform ontwikkeld, waar met behulp van Twitter de cardioloog Lukas Dekker en?patient Ad Langendonk in de weken rond de hartoperatie van Ad werden gevolgd.?Ook werd op het platform informatie?gepubliceerd over het zorgproces, zoals hoe een?operatiekamer er vandaag?de dag uitziet, vergeleken met 10 jaar geleden.

Philips heeft het traject in samenwerking met het Catharina Ziekenhuis in ongeveer 6 maanden op de rails gezet. Online was een belangrijke rol weggelegd voor de Twitteraccounts van @HartpatientAd en @CardioloogLukas. Philips speelde hier bewust een minder prominente rol. Wel werd vanuit het account @PhilipsNL informatie gegeven over het traject.

Ingewikkelde apparatuur laagdrempelig laten zien

Vanuit Philips had Joost Maltha de projectleiding, vanuit zijn rol als externe communicatie voor Healthcare. Hij vertelt: ?Het doel voor Philips was om het verhaal uit de praktijk te vertellen, zoals een patient en cardioloog dat beleven. Philips heeft vanuit haar haar expertise op het online platform wel verteld over innovatie en de rol van technologie in de operatiekamer. Zo zijn er blogs verzorgd vanuit het hoofd van het bedrijfsonderdeel dat verantwoordelijk is voor cardiologie.? Op die manier kreeg Philips een natuurlijke rol, zonder te vervallen in technische details. De door Philips ontwikkelde technologie werd op een laagdrempelige manier inzichtelijk gemaakt. Tijdens de hartoperatie werd bijvoorbeeld duidelijk hoe belangrijk de rol van technologie is. Via een Flickr-fotostream konden mensen meekijken en zien hoe de artsen gebruik maken van live 3D-beeldvorming en een TomTom-achtige navigatie om naar het hart te manoeuvreren.

Live de operatie volgen

Bij het project werd samengewerkt met?Skipr, een vakblad voor?zorgprofessionals dat?heeft geholpen om het platform te maken waarop alle?informatie rond de operatie werd gedeeld. Zij hebben een dagelijkse nieuwsbrief?en website die goed wordt?gelezen en konden met hun mediakracht de klinische?doelgroep bereiken.?Zo?n drie weken voor de operatie begon het proces, met twitterberichten?vanuit cardioloog @LukasDekker en @HartpatientAd.

Ook vlak voor,?tijdens?en na de operatie werden er berichten en foto?s gedeeld, waardoor alles?vrijwel?live was te volgen. De cardioloog twitterde tijdens de ingreep overigens?niet zelf, maar?had een collega in de operatiekamer die voor hem verslag?deed.

Ad vertelt zelf over z?n herstel

In de weken na de operatie was het herstel van Ad te volgen. Hij deelt?dagelijks hoe hij?zich voelt, vertelt over de eerste wandelingen met z?n?honden, het hervatten van z?n werk?en de spannende voetbalwedstrijden van?z?n zoontje waar hij weer bij aanwezig kan zijn.

Daarbij krijgt hij via Twitter?regelmatig vragen van anderen, die dezelfde behandeling moeten ondergaan en kan hij?zijn eigen ervaringen?over z?n herstel delen en mensen moed inspreken.

Cardioloog Lukas Dekker is toegankelijk via Twitter

Ook cardioloog Lukas Dekker was de afgelopen maanden zichtbaar aanwezig?op Twitter.?Hij vertelt over de voorbereidingen bij de operatie en laat?alles zien over de dag zelf. Na?de ingreep gaat hij in op vragen van?patienten en geeft hij uitleg bij mogelijke?behandelingen. Daarbij zorgt hij?voor een goede de balans tussen het geven van?informatie en mensen?doorverwijzen naar hun eigen arts.

Ik dacht dat Twitter vooral voor kinderen van 16 was?

Het was interessant dat beide hoofdrolspelers zelf nog weinig ervaring met?Twitter?hadden. Patient Ad was nog niet zo bekend met Twitter en ook voor?cardioloog Lukas?Dekker was het volledig nieuw. Hij vertelt: ?Ik had?nog heel weinig besef van sociale?media. Ik vond het eigenlijk meer iets?voor kinderen van 16.? Daar is hij inmiddels?helemaal van?teruggekomen. ?Ik was verbaasd door alle reacties die we?hebben?gekregen, allemaal positief. Ik had daar een totaal verkeerd beeld?van. Mensen van alle?leeftijden volgden wat wij deden en waren daar actief?mee bezig. Dat vond ik heel bijzonder.?

Pati?nten vinden elkaar via sociale media

Dekker ziet dat patienten veel steun hebben aan elkaar dankzij de sociale?media: ?Waar ik?het meest van onder de indruk was, was dat ik een?paar weken later een patient?behandelde die actief was op Twitter. Voordat?ik mijn handschoenen uit had, was hij?alweer aan het twitteren?met Ad hoe goed het was gegaan. Deze week was er ook een vrouw, die?angstig was voor de ingreep en gerustgesteld was door te twitteren met Ad. Zij?was daar?enorm tevreden over.?

Pati?ntencontact is enorm belangrijk, zegt Dekker: ?Pati?nten?hebben steun?aan elkaar, ze?zijn onzeker. Die steun is buitengewoon waardevol. Ook?bijvoorbeeld over zaken die ze?niet aan ons zorgprofessionals durven te?vragen. Van andere patienten het verhaal horen?is heel waardevol. Dat heb?ik sinds dit project heel frequent meegemaakt en dat spreekt?me enorm?aan.?

Positieve reacties vanuit collega-cardiologen

Lukas Dekker krijgt volop positieve reacties vanuit zijn collega?s: ?In?het begin werd er wat?schamper over gedaan, als ik vertelde wat wij van?plan waren. De collega?s die het nu?hebben meegemaakt, zijn daarover echt?van gedachten veranderd.? Hij hoort inmiddels?ook van collega?s in?andere centra in Nederland dat zijn project bekend is: ?Een collega?had tijdens ??n poli-ochtend vier patienten die zich afvroegen of zo?n behandeling?niet wat?voor hen was.?

Stimuleren van transparantie in de zorg

Als professional vind hij deze aandacht niet vervelend, integendeel: ?Via sociale media?konden we uitstekend het menselijke aspect van de zorg laten?zien?. Bovendien draagt?het enorm bij aan transparantie, wat in de?zorg belangrijk is: ?Ik vind echt dat die social?media in deze tijd?waar transparantie in de gezondheidszorg wordt verwacht een?belangrijke?plaats verdient. Ik vind die transparantie belangrijk.?

De belangrijke rol voor sociale media in de zorg

Voor Philips was het project rond HartpatientAd uitermate?geslaagd. Het verhaal over de?menselijke kant van haar techniek heeft?geresulteerd in 2.200 tweets, zo?n 50 publicaties?in nationale media en een?online bereik van minimaal 1,7 miljoen mensen. Daarnaast?heeft het project er?voor gezorgd dat op een sympathieke manier inzichtelijk is gemaakt?hoe?belangrijk innovatie in de zorg is en hoeveel sociale media kunnen bijdragen?aan het?zorgproces. Op beide gebieden staan de ontwikkelingen niet stil en?Philips en het?Hartcentrum hebben inmiddels volop plannen voor een vervolg.

Lukas Dekker vertelt: ?Voor mij blijft het indrukwekkend om te zien?hoeveel impact?boezemfibrilleren, de behandeling en het herstel hebben op?het leven van mijn?pati?nten.? Het is een verhaal dat belangrijk is?om verteld te worden en te delen. De case?van hartpatient Ad laat zien dat?sociale media daarvoor uitstekend te gebruiken zijn.

Voor Ad was het wennen aan de hoeveelheid reacties via Twitter en de reguliere pers. Daar had hij niet op gerekend. Hij heeft het ervaren als een unieke gelegenheid om z?n ervaringen te delen en vertelt dat het hem veel steun heeft gegeven. Met de kennis die hij nu heeft, zou hij zeker weer mee doen. Hij raad dan ook aan om vaker sociale media in te zetten, zowel door patienten als artsen.

Voor Ad nadert inmiddels het einde van het project. Hij is weer aan het werk,?wandelt?met z?n honden en staat zonder problemen weer bij spannende?voetbalwedstrijden langs?de lijn. Hij wil graag stoppen met z?n medicijnen?en op naar de volgende fase in z?n leven,?dan wordt het #HartpatientAf.

Dit artikel is het derde in de reeks hoe Philips sociale media inzet. Lees ook hoe Philips met sociale media haar superpromoters bereikt. En lees hoe een sympathieke twitteractie rond Valentijn een succesvolle conversation starter werd. Mijn rol: ik ben als auteur voor Frankwatching?ge?nteresseerd?in toepassingen van sociale media binnen grote en kleine organisaties.?Net zoals bij de vorige artikelen ben ik niet betrokken geweest bij dit traject.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

The 41 most influential newspapers on Twitter and Facebook

I ran a handful of newspaper Twitter accounts through Klout this morning to measure their social media influence. Klout uses ?35 variables on Facebook and Twitter? to create a score that it describes as a measurement of ?overall online influence.?

After Dylan Stableford (@stableford) published a list of top 25 newspapers on Twitter, ?based on print circulation, Mathilde Piard ?(@mathildepiard) followed with her own list of top newspapers on Twitter that ?goes by number of followers on Twitter, not circulation.? I used the accounts from those posts to create the list below. Make sure to read those posts to learn about the selection process.

Here are the numbers. Click on a Twitter username to visit the account. Click on a Klout score for details about that measurement. Oh, and feel free to see the data in this Google Doc.


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Diablo 3 as opposed to Star Wars The Old Republic Costs for Gaming

feyieon1982 Posted by feyieon1982 on 7 hours ago

The practice of getting gaming goods from outside of the game?s means is around with regard to quite a long time nowadays. It is more prominent inside long term games and especially in the multiplayer games. Multiplayer mode will always be really competitive to gamers, so that they take numerous measures to ensure they are on top. Many players need help in the game; not shifting along amongst people will depart the player discouraged instead of making them happy together with content. The greater experienced together with skilled players of the game help these types of beginners by selling games items that may help them. Because of this requirement for gaming goods, there is currently a fabulous developed marketplace on the net for gaming goods.

Diablo 3 in addition to Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR), abbreviated because swtor, are a couple of examples of computer games where gamers would check out seek help from outside. A handful of reputed sites in the internet offer you gaming goods for both these types of games along with other major competitions like World of Warcraft and Runescape. These two games, Diablo 3 and Star Wars The Old Republic have differences and also the prices of gaming goods are naturally different as well. We will take a look at which one is actually priced much better in general.

The plain simple truth is that Diablo 3 is actually launched really recently, that is definitely in fact inside the same calendar month of penning this article. So there will not be many knowledgeable gamers because of it yet who will sell gaming goods to the newbie participants, as a result you would expect the prices it to be a bit more than for the gaming goods from Star Wars The Old Republic. In fact it is with enough contentration to find virtually any sellers whatsoever for Diablo 3, merely the good video gaming websites may have the vendors for Diablo 3.

Swtor isn?t any doubt a far more complex along with a deep game than Diablo 3. The thing with Diablo 3 is that the gameplay is simpler when compared to the large MMORPG. It is in which players combat evil monsters in a dungeon while taking occasional breaks to buy items in addition to weapons. And yet swtor is different; many things can happen anytime and you have vast opportunities inside the computer game. This means that goods like gold will certainly finish more quickly in SWTOR so they really must be very popular. Many retailers are available to gratify this desire and as a result the prices of gaming goods fall because of the well balanced marketplace for it. And swtor have a much more number of players than Diablo 3 and it is not too likely that this will change even though Diablo 3 stays a bit longer. So it is organic for it to possess more vendors for gaming goods. All of this good competitors acts to take down the prices of goods and it also raises the quality of the acquired items.

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Financial or monetary problems are never quite easy to resolve. If at the same time, your credit history is not up to the mark, then the meager chances of deriving additional monetary assistance diminishes too. It is not that funds are not made available to you. But then, the terms and conditions levied are such that you can never expect to overcome the crisis. In context of the situation you are in, the best alternative option for you would be to opt for loans no credit checks. ?By getting these loans, you will then be in a position to accumulate the funds, which you can put to use in times of need.

When it comes to loans no credit check, the lenders never really check your credit profile. This is what makes you avail the funds with considerable ease, despite having serious credit issues.

On the Other hand, there is no apparent need to pledge any precious asset as collateral. Due to the absence of collateral, you have a chance to attain the funds in a risk free manner. Moreover, the processing too speeds up and this results in its immediate approval.

However, without meeting the desired preconditions, you will never be in a position to qualify for these loans. In this regard, it is quite important that you must be employed on a regular basis, with a fixed and regular income. The monthly income should be a minimum of AU$1000. Other than these, a valid bank account is required, so that the transaction can take place. By meeting these key requirements, you will then get to avail the funds. With the funds sourced, you will then be in a position to cover expenses on needs such as paying for loan installments, educational purposes, maintenance of car and so forth.

On the basis of your need and requirement, you will get to attain funds in the range of AU$100-AU$1500. This amount derived can then be paid back over a period of 2-4 weeks. On ensuring timely repayment, you will be in a position to make improvements in your credit score. The interest charged might appear to be high. Even then, on making a detailed and proper research, you will be in a position to attain the funds against optimal terms.

On making use of the online facility to attain same day payday loans, you will be in a position to acquire the funds, without much of any paperwork. The loan application process is simple and for the same, you are never required to pay any processing fee. Besides, once you use the online facility, you will then get the opportunity to apply for the loans at any point of time and that too from any where, without visiting the lender personally.

The monetary provision of loans no credit checks do allow you to procure immediate and hassle free funds, which you can utilize to deal with any sudden or unforeseen monetary crisis, despite having credit problems.?


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Electric Providers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania Offer Great NJ ...

Having the ability to decide how much you want to pay for your electricity is a great way to help manage your budget. Whether you are gearing up for the warm summer months ahead or just trying to limit expenses, there are many New Jersey electric providers to choose from that can help you save money on your electric bill. There are several New Jersey electric providers that have created a very competitive market helping customers lower their New Jersey electricity rates.

Pennsylvania electric suppliers are also offering consumers competitive electric rates helping to lower millions of customer's electric bills each month. There is no longer a reason to keep the utility for your supply and delivery services when you can lower your electric supply charges by choosing a competitive New Jersey Electric Provider or Pennsylvania electric provider.

As the summer approaches and you plan to be using more electricity for your air conditioning and fans, you want to be sure you are getting the best rate available. Choices for your supplier can help you control this expense during the warmer months of summer just as they do in the winter season. To switch electric suppliers in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you need to compare the rates being offered, the type of rate it is (fixed or variable), and then simply select a plan and supplier that offers you the best rate.

By selecting a competitive electric supply rate, you can save a significant amount of money each month depending upon your household or business usage. In addition to saving money, there are no fees to switch to a new electric supplier in Pennsylvania or New Jersey and you will continue to receive your bill from the utility you currently have.

For business customers, you typically want to get quotes from various suppliers or use an online service that can provide the best rates available from top electric suppliers in your area. You can typically either get a fixed or variable rate with fixed rate contracts being the most popular option. These contracts are generally for 6, 12, 24 or 36 months and some can be even longer. However, 12 and 24 months are usually the most popular terms for businesses as the rates are better in the shorter terms.

Today, deregulation has allowed customers the "power to choose" their electric supplier and receive competitive rates. For residents, you can simply make the switch to a new supplier at any time.

In today?s economy, consumers want to save money especially on energy bills. Many states today are deregulating their electric and gas markets and creating a competitive environment for new electric suppliers to help customers save on electric supply charges while the utility continues to deliver the power. To compare residential rates or receive a business quote, visit Make the Switch USA at www.maketheswitchusa.com.

Keywords: new jersey electric providers, new jersey electricity rates, pennsylvania electric suppliers

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Dual-SIM Samsung Galaxy DUOS now available inte...

Samsung have announced the international release of their previously CDMA only Dual SIM handset, the Samsung Galaxy DUOS. While not commonplace in the UK, dual SIM phones are more common in markets where consumers living on country borders / travelling between countries might want to have accounts with 2 networks to avoid roaming charges.

The 7.2Mbps HSPA Galaxy DUOS runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread with TouchWiz (of course) on a 832MHz processor with 512MB RAM, a 3.5" HVGA display, 3GB internal memory, 5 MP camera, microSD expansion and a 1300mAh battery.

The device will launch in June in Russia followed by Europe, CIS, Latin America, Southeast / Southwest Asia, Middle East, Africa, and China.

It's not clear at this time whether both SIM cards can use the 3G connection or whether one will be limited to 2G only... we are trying to find this out and will update this post in due course!

Posted Image

[Via: SammyHub]

About the author

Paul O'Brien founded MoDaCo in 2002 as a site focused on Windows Smartphones and has grown it since then by concentrating on providing a friendly community for both experienced and beginner mobile enthusiasts.

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Miss Universe Canada 2012, Sahar Biniaz

Bird, Sarah Harrison, Suzette Hernandez,?Maria Nahri,?and Dajana Radovanovic.?Casar Jacobson, Christine White, Diana Schoutsen, Kuyan Elliot, Lisa Wong, Mandi Gale, Marta Jablonska, and Vaughan Marr completed the top 20 quarter finals.?Jenna Talackova, the first transgendered candidate to compete in a all-female pageant was awarded Miss Congeniality together with Kylee Apers, Maria Julia Nahri and Maria Cecilia Nicolas. Miss Photogenic award went to Ela Mino while Revlon Professional Best Hair was awarded to Sahar Biniaz.?Miss Universe Canada was organized by Denis Davila, the owner of Beauties of Canada Organization.?Source: Travelfwd

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'Israel pressing US over Iran talks'

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Our Trip to Donate to Our Local Animal Shelter #ILoveMyK9

If you've read this blog at all over the last two months, you know we adopted a dog (Roofus) from a local Humane Society Shelter. ?I was actually not too excited about adopting a shelter dog - I was leaning more toward buying a puppy from a breeder. ?I mistakenly thought that all of the dogs in shelters were either very old or problem dogs.

I couldn't have been more wrong!

Not only did we get an exceptionally loving and calm (as in really mellow) sweet dog under two years old, he came already potty trained and knowing a lot of basic commands such as sit and stay. ?Most of the other dogs in the shelter were puppies (so there goes that idea of old dogs - I think we only saw one or two over 4 years old) and none would be described as "problem" dogs. Our shelter even color codes them by personality so that you can get a dog that best matches your family's style.

I've always know the issues surrounding puppy mills and would never buy a dog from a pet store, but since our shelter experience, I have really come to respect what a wonderful service our local?Humane?Society Shelters offer. ?LJ has already announced that he'd like to volunteer there when he is old enough to be a dog walker.

When LJ and I were given the?opportunity?to donate some Del Monte dog treats to a worthy cause, we knew right away we wanted to give them to the shelter where we got Roofus. ?We were able to look up what they needed on their wish list and saw they were in need of treats for training and rewards. ?No wonder Roofus has such a love of Pup-Peroni, Milo's Homestyle Treats, and Milkbone treats - that what he got at the shelter!

LJ and I headed?off to Walmart to pick up some supplies?to donate to the shelter together.

LJ very carefully picked out the varieties of Pup-Peroni he thought the dogs would like best.

The Milo's Homestyle Treats stumped him a bit since there were so many difference choices!

He wound up grabbing one of each!

I had really wanted to make a nice cute gift basket, but we were able to get so many treats with Walmart's low prices that they wouldn't fit in the basket. Add in the two bags of dog food and we needed a box!!

The shelter we were headed to is about 40 minutes away, so we all loaded into the car and set off for our road trip.

We were so impressed that the ladies at the shelter remembered Roofus. ?

They were so happy to see him doing well!

It was a good thing that this little guy was already spoken for - LJ and I were both tempted to bring him home with us!!

I encourage you to look at your local shelter before purchasing a dog or puppy from somewhere else. There are so many beautiful, loving dogs who need a good home. If you are able to support your local shelter with a cash or goods donation, they will be most grateful for any help they receive!

Connect with the brands mentioned in this post online: I am a member of the Collective Bias? Social Fabric? Community. ?This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for?Collective Bias?. #CBias #SocialFabric ?As always, my opinions are my own. The Wisconsin Humane Society was not involved in this campaign except as gracious recipients of our donations.

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'Game Of Thrones' Battle Of Blackwater 'Off The Scale'

'They've spared no expense in making an awesome episode,' Richard Madden tells MTV News.
By Kara Warner

Richard Madden
Photo: MTV News

So, how about Sunday's episode of "Game of Thrones"? Have you recovered from all the fireworks? 'Twas a doozy, for sure. Thank goodness there is still one more episode left in this action-packed season.

Fans of George R.R. Martin's source material had an inkling of what to expect from the highly anticipated Battle of Blackwater, but the sheer spectacle of it all was something to behold, even for the actors who had prepared themselves for it.

"It was off the scale," star Richard Madden (a.k.a. Robb Stark) told MTV News of the production that went into the sequence. "I know in season one we started a battle and we saw the end of a battle, and I know some people weren't too pleased about that, but season two makes up for that and then some. They've spared no expense in making an awesome episode."

So, how many days did the cast and crew actually spend working on the battle? "Days and days and weeks," Madden said. "I know there was months of CGI work to get those episodes looking awesome. If you've read the books, you know what that battle entails: It's pretty visual, like a lot of George's stuff. I think people won't be disappointed."

Looking ahead to what's to come for the would-be king, we also asked Madden if he has read ahead to find out what's in store for his character.

"It's one of the things I try to avoid doing. I only read season by season: I don't read ahead," he explained. "It's one of the great things about the books that I loved is that you are constantly surprised by these characters and the story, and as an actor, I want to try and stick to that.

"I know if I read too far ahead, I'd start preempting character traits or decisions he makes," he continued. "I'd much rather be an actor and make one decision and stick to it and then have the challenge of turning it around and going in a different direction. I try and keep it like that as much as I can so the audience gets as surprised by the journey as I do when I read the books and when I read each script."

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

* Dutch delegation to investigate business and security in Kurdistan ...

ERBIL, May 26 (AKnews)- A 25-member business and governmental delegation from the Netherlands will arrive in the Kurdistan Region next week to confirm the security and business opportunities in the region.

There are representatives of the finance ministry and the chambers of commerce as well as the companies in the delegation, said Dara Jalil Khayyat, head of Kurdistan chambers of commerce and industry.

During the three days they stay in Kurdistan, the representatives will meet with their counterparts and Kurdistan officials to confirm the security in the region and the business opportunities.

Khayyat added Holland has already begun investment in Kurdistan. But there are more companies which wish to put their assets in Kurdistan.

By Fryad Mohammed



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SpaceX Private Vessel Reaches ISS

60-Second Space60-Second Space | Space

The International Space Station received its first commercial visitor with the arrive of the SpaceX Dragon resupply capsule. John Matson reports.

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Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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It may lack the poetry of ?the Eagle has landed,? but here?s major space news: the Dragon has docked.

The Dragon capsule, built by dot-com magnate Elon Musk?s company SpaceX, is the first commercial spacecraft to visit the International Space Station. It left Earth Tuesday. ?And launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, as NASA turns to the private sector to resupply the International Space Station."

All previous resupply flights have been operated by national space agencies such as NASA. The Dragon?s flight was meant to demonstrate the capsule?s capabilities, and the spacecraft had to pass a series of tests on the way to the station before NASA cleared it for approach.

On Friday, May 25th, astronauts aboard the ISS used a robotic arm to grab the free-floating Dragon capsule and hauled it in for docking. By 12:02pm, the spacecraft was firmly attached to the station.

Under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA, SpaceX plans to make 12 cargo runs to the station in the coming years. And someday the Dragon capsule could carry not just cargo but astronauts. Says Musk, ?It's the dawn of a new era of space exploration.?

?John Matson

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]??

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Congress to spend more on tanks than military wants

By Agence France-Presse
Saturday, May 26, 2012 5:49 EDT


The US Congress is poised to approve more funds for modernizing the US Army?s main battle tank despite objections from the military that it puts the Pentagon?s overall strategy in jeopardy.

In its 2013 budget proposal, which begins in October, the Obama administration requested $74 million to upgrade the M1A2 Abrams tank, which originally was intended for land warfare in the plains of central Europe.

But, just as it did last year, the Congress has turned a deaf ear to the Pentagon, with the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passing a defense authorization bill last week that adds an additional $181 million to the program.

In the Senate, Democrats have also gone way beyond the administration?s request and in the Senate Armed Services committee approved an additional $91 million for 33 extra tanks to be upgraded.

?The conundrum we have is that we don?t need the tanks,? General Raymond Odierno, the army chief of staff, told members of Congress.

?Our tank fleet is two-and-a-half years old (on) average now. It?s been recapped, its been reset, we?re in good shape, and these are additional tanks that we don?t need.?

The defense bill is expected to go to the Senate floor next week. The House and Senate versions, with their differing amounts for the Abrams, will then have to be reconciled.

Lawmakers say the additional spending is needed to keep production lines open at the Ohio factory where upgraded tanks are built. They say at least 70 tanks a year must be built for the factory to stay open.

However, Pentagon officials fear that in a time of budget cutbacks, the extra spending on the Abrams and other programs favored by Congress will undercut competing plans considered essential to the US strategy toward Asia.

?There is no free lunch,? US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned lawmakers earlier this month.

?And if members try to restore their favorite programs without regard to an overall strategy the cuts will have to come from areas that could impact overall readiness,? he said.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.






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Florida Highway Patrol to conduct sobriety checkpoint

The Florida Highway Patrol, Bradenton District, will conduct a Comprehensive Roadside Safety Checkpoint (DUI Checkpoint) on May 25, 2012. The checkpoint will begin at 9 p.m. at 1502 North Brevard Avenue in Arcadia, Florida. The checkpoint will conclude at 2 a.m. on May 26, 2012. FHP sets up such details to proactively remove impaired drivers from the roadways and ultimately enhance the safety of the motoring public. Troopers conducting the checkpoint will monitor those who pass through to ensure they are properly licensed and driving sober.

Driving impaired from alcohol or drugs put everyone on the roadways in danger. Florida law considers a driver with .08 or higher Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to be impaired. Drivers under the age of 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher are also in violation of Florida law.

The Florida Highway Patrol would like to remind everyone that *FHP (*347) dialed from any cell phone contacts FHP should you need to report an aggressive driver or require roadside assistance.

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Chase Pupil Loans, Key To Getting A Faculty Schooling

There are a selection of financing establishments that extend assist to those students who aspire to go to varsity, however simply should not have sufficient funds for it. Faculty education has at all times been of great importance towards finding a nicely paying profession.

Tertiary training is one of the factors employers give importance to when hiring a brand new skilled level employee. While it?s true that not everyone can afford school schooling, there are various teams of individuals and establishment who?re willing to help them with grants and scholarships. Though generally, it is going to be within the type of pupil mortgage which, of course, should be repaid by the borrower, scholar loans give hope for many who are determined to pursue their education. One of the main monetary institutions that present the sort of assistance is Chase Schooling Finance. They supply what is called Chase Pupil Loans.

Chase Schooling Finance is a division of JP Morgan Chase & Co. They are one of the leaders in investment banking, financial providers, small enterprise and industrial banking, asset and wealth administration and private equity. Chase pupil loans provide academic products and services that students can avail of. Further information about different kinds of loan that they provide will be viewed online.

For many who are undergraduate students, their mother and father who wants funding for his or her youngsters?s schooling, graduate students, high school college students and up to date graduates, Chase scholar loans has federal Stafford loan which they can apply for. Apart from having a convenient software course of, one of many admirable things about this mortgage is that it doesn?t have a look at the credit history of the student. Additionally they pride themselves in giving out low rates of interest and versatile compensation schemes, which can be delayed until after the student?s graduation.

Chase additionally has a new Chase Medical Education Program which is offered to medical students to help fund their education. It provides medical college students financing choices corresponding to zero-charge Stafford mortgage, a Private Pupil Loan and a residency loan.

As a result of some students encounter a whole lot of unexpected financial problems when enrolled in school, some of them couldn?t help however file for one more loan. Though that is possible, take observe that it could actually trigger some issues, especially by the time they?ve already graduated and should start repaying the loans incurred. It is suggested to maintain record of the loans made and the way much is owed from each lender, to be able to lessen the burden of debt management. You may be more than please to know that Chase Education Finance also gives loan consolidation programs that may sum up all other present loans so you can make your repayments a lot easier. Another option for these college students with multiple loans is to apply for a consolidation loan. This scholar loan consolidation advice will prevent some huge cash over the term of the loan and lower your payments.

Chase student loans have been trusted for a lot of years. If you?re a determined scholar who wishes to beat financial challenges in the direction of getting your coveted school diploma, you?ll be able to apply for Chase?s instructional loan providers and begin your technique to graduation.

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America's best beaches for 2012

San Diego CVB

Coronado Beach in San Diego tops this year's list of best beaches, compiled annually by "Dr. Beach" Stephen Leatherman.

By Rob Lovitt, msnbc.com contributor

According to Stephen Leatherman, aka ?Dr. Beach,? there are approximately 650 major public recreational beaches in the United States. Only one, though, can be No. 1.

What strand of sand earns that designation? This year, the honor goes to Coronado Beach near San Diego, which tops Leatherman?s 2012 annual list of the Top 10 Beaches in the country. Released on Friday, the full list includes:

  1. Coronado Beach, Coronado, Calif.
  2. Kahanamoku Beach, Oahu, Hawaii
  3. Main Beach, East Hampton, N.Y.
  4. St. George Island State Park, St. George Island, Fla.
  5. Hamoa Beach, Maui, Hawaii
  6. Coast Guard Beach, Eastham, Mass.
  7. Waimanolo Bay Beach Park, Oahu, Hawaii
  8. Cape Florida State Park, Key Biscayne, Fla.
  9. Beachwalker Park, Kiawah Island, S.C.
  10. Cape Hatteras, Outer Banks, N.C.

The annual list, which Leatherman has compiled since 1991, is based on 50 criteria, ranging from natural conditions (sand softness, water temperature, wave size) to human-related factors (for example, noise, trash or public safety).

Stretching from the iconic Hotel del Coronado to Silver Strand State Beach, this year?s winner rose from second place in 2011 and third place in 2010.

?It?s flat and hundreds of yards wide so it?s great for walking and playing,? said Leatherman, who has spent much of his career researching and monitoring beaches as director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at Florida International University in Miami.

?It has a fantastic Mediterranean climate. The water quality is excellent, and there?s a great lifeguarding program so it?s safe for families,? he told msnbc.com.

For Leatherman, the annual list is part of a lifelong passion for coastal environments, an interest that stretches from his childhood in Charlotte, N.C., where his parents built him a backyard sandbox, to the publication of his latest book, ?Field Guide to the Water?s Edge? (National Geographic Books, $21.95), earlier this month.

It?s also an outgrowth of his decades of research on coastal erosion, storm damage and beach safety. On this year?s list, for example, Cape Hatteras dropped from No. 5 last year to No. 10 due to the damage caused by Hurricane Irene last August.

?There?s still an inlet or two that the storm opened up,? said Leatherman. ?They?ve put up some metal bridges but there are going to be delays for people trying to get there.?

On the other hand, Hamoa Beach made the list after falling off it last year due to access restrictions implemented by an adjacent hotel. With those restrictions relaxed, the secluded beach outside Hana made a two-year jump from No. 9 to No. 5.

Meanwhile, if recent history is any guide, beach-bound San Diegans may need to prepare for an influx of visitors as local promoters will no doubt use the designation in their marketing materials for the coming year.

That was certainly the case with last year?s winner, Siesta Beach, in Sarasota, Fla. (To avoid repetition, beaches are ?retired? after their tenure in the top spot.) According to Virginia Haley, president of the Sarasota Convention and Visitors Bureau, the area waged a full-on media blitz, including nabbing the domain name NumberOneBeach.com.

The results, she said, included an 18.2 percent increase in revenue per available hotel room (revPAR, as it?s called, a standard lodging-industry metric), a nine-month increase in visitor spending of 17.5 percent over the same period a year earlier and a 647 percent increase in visits to the CVB?s website.

Some of that increase, said Haley, may also be attributed to the fact that a year had passed since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which put a damper on tourism throughout Florida and the entire Gulf region in 2010.

Nevertheless, she offers one more bit of support for the significance of being named the nation?s top beach.

?I?ve had a couple of local little old ladies say, ?Stop promoting Siesta Beach!? ? she told msnbc.com. ?That?s when you know it?s working.?

Rob Lovitt is a longtime travel writer who still believes the journey is as important as the destination. Follow him at Twitter.

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News: Seychelles strengthens ties with South Africa

9 hours ago

Minister Xasa was greeted at the Seychelles stand by Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture.

Minister Xasa was accompanied by the Chairman of SA Tourism and other high-level South African tourism officials. At the Seychelles stand, it was an opportunity for Minister St.Ange to remind the South African dignitaries of the exceptional beauty of the tropical islands of the Seychelles now fast becoming the new destination for South African holidaymakers. Minister Alain St.Ange also took the opportunity to update Minister Tokozile Xasa and her delegation that Air Seychelles had now confirmed to increase its weekly service to Johannesburg to 4 flights as from January 2013.

?Seychelles has always been the dream holiday tropical island for South Africans,? Minister St.Ange said to press in South Africa after the visit to the Seychelles stand at INDABA. ?We remain a top destination for big game and fly-fishing enthusiasts from South Africa. In Seychelles, when you go fishing, you catch fish, and this the South African fishermen just love,? the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture said.

Earlier the same day, the Seychelles Minister St.Ange had met with the South African Minister responsible for Tourism, Mr. Marthinus Van Schalkwyk. The two Ministers discussed cooperation between their two countries and the coming Routes Africa conference due to be held in Seychelles in July. Minister Van Schalkwyk is one of the ministers from Africa who has been invited to address Routes AFrica alongside the Seychelles Minister responsible for Internal Affairs&Transport, the Zimbabwe Minister for Tourism, the President of La Reunion, and the CEO of Ethiopian Airlines among other industry leaders and professionals.

The South Africa TV and written press are also expected to be traveling to Seychelles to cover Routes Africa 2012 and the presentation by their Minister Marthinus Van Schalkwyk.

?The visit by the South African Minister to Seychelles will be an opportunity to consolidate the friendly ties that exist between Seychelles and South Africa. This will be the first visit by Minister Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, and we remain convinced that he will leave our shores as an Ambassador for our islands,? the Seychelles Minister told the press in Durban, South Africa.


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Backlash against African migrants in Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Recent rapes blamed on African migrants have ignited a political and emotional backlash against their ballooning numbers, with Israelis and their leaders stridently ? and in an alarming new development, violently ? calling for their expulsion.

Israel, bound by an international refugees treaty it ardently promoted, doesn't seem to have that option, and the gap between rhetoric and reality threatens to send simmering social antagonisms boiling over into open conflict.

It has raised questions, relevant all over the developed world, about how much is owed to the impoverished migrants who manage to sneak in.

Over the past seven years, as many as 60,000 African migrants, most from Sudan and Eritrea, have slipped across Israel's border with Egypt, exploiting the lack of a physical barrier and widespread lawlessness in the Sinai Peninsula that has been one result of the fall last year of longtime Egyptian ruler Hosni Mubarak.

Israel is erecting a barrier along the roughly 200 kilometers (125 miles) of border. While this work drags on, the migrants continue to arrive at a rate of about 1,000 a month, ragged and penniless, with some reporting being raped, tortured and extorted by the Bedouins who smuggle them through.

Some migrants are fleeing repressive regimes. Others are simply looking for a better life in a richer country. How many fit into each of those categories is a matter of deep disagreement between officials and migrant advocates.

Some Israelis worry that their national identity as a Jewish state is being threatened by unauthorized African migrants, who now make up less than 1 percent of Israel's population.

"It's the crumbling of the Zionist dream," Interior Minister Eli Yishai warned on Thursday.

Officials claim the overwhelming majority of the migrants are not bona fide refugees escaping persecution and war, but economic migrants looking for jobs. Israeli leaders use terms like "infiltrators," ''cancer" and "national scourge" to describe them, setting an inflammatory tone.

After the first rape was reported earlier this month, Yishai declared nearly all migrants to be criminals and said they should all be jailed pending deportation.

Days later, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned, "60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000, and lead to the eradication of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state."

The issue of how to deal with them has also caused introspection about whether Israel, after a century of conflict with Arabs, has become a racist society.

"What disturbs me most is the racist atmosphere," social commentator Tom Segev said. "For several years now, Israel society has been moving in that direction, with all the anti-Arab motions in the parliament. ... I think that this society is very sick now."

Others deny that the pushback is racist, finding it unreasonable that their country of about 8 million should be expected to throw open its doors to unlimited numbers of migrants.

Israel cannot simply kick out the Africans, as some politicians would seem to suggest. As an enthusiastic backer of a 1951 U.N. treaty drafted to address the plight of World War II refugees, it has pledged not to expel asylum-seekers to any country where they would be in danger.

"We're not going to pull back on our obligations under the refugee convention," said Daniel Solomon, legal adviser to Israel's population and immigration authority. "At the same time, other solutions will have to be looked for," like finding a third country to take them in.

Because most migrants come from Sudan, an enemy state, and Eritrea, a country with an abysmal human rights record, the line between refugee and economic migrants is blurred. So Israel has quietly allowed most migrants from those two countries to stay, without processing their asylum applications.

The U.S. State Department criticized this practice in a report on global human rights released Thursday, noting that of 4,603 new asylum applications in 2011, Israel rejected 3,692 and approved one. According to the report, asylum seekers without refugee status are not allowed to work and have no access to public health care, and that the government negatively terms the migrants "infiltrators".

Spokesmen for Israel's prime minister and Foreign Ministry had no comment on the report Friday.

Because of their precarious status, the migrants scrounge for whatever underpaid and insecure employment and volunteer health care they can find.

"Our objective is to have Israel host these people under proper conditions until the option arises for them to go home," said William Tall, the envoy of the U.N. refugee agency office in Israel.

The Africans began trickling into Israel after neighboring Egypt violently quashed a demonstration by a group of Sudanese refugees there in 2005, killing at least 20. The numbers surged as word spread of safety and jobs in Israel, a prosperous and liberal country reachable from Africa overland.

The swelling numbers have spawned slums. Fear and intolerance is mounting among locals, who accuse the migrants of stoking crime, including three recent rapes ? even though police records show crime among the migrants is lower than among Israelis.

Firebombs were thrown recently at two buildings where migrants live, and a protest against them Wednesday in a poor southern Tel Aviv neighborhood where many Africans live turned violent. The crowd shattered windows of shops and cars belonging to Africans, police said, and a witness reported that protesters spat on migrants and cursed them. No one was hurt.

Bashir Abekker, 32, came to Israel four years ago to escape the war in Sudan's Darfur region. He thought he'd find safety, "but recently, I'm not safe here. I am afraid for my safety," he said. "After what happened (Wednesday), I was afraid to go out on the street to buy food."

On Thursday, Netanyahu condemned the violence. "I want to make it very clear that there is no room for the kinds of expressions and actions we saw last night," he said. "I say this both to public officials and to the residents of south Tel Aviv, whose pain I understand."

The Hotline for Migrant Workers advocacy group said the refugees are endangered by the "incitement" of politicians.

On the other side of the divide, neighborhood activist Dror Kahalani said the government is neglecting his already poor community to provide services for migrants, whose rising numbers terrify residents.

"I don't let my daughters go out unless I go with them," Kahalani said.

Prominent author and social commentator A.B. Yehoshua came to the defense of the migrants' Israeli neighbors. "We have to distinguish between economic migrants whom we don't have to accept, and the bona fide refugees who are suffering and face death if returned," he said.

For some, the violence against the migrants and calls for their expulsion are difficult to accept given the legacy of the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews were killed by German Nazis and their collaborators. They find it abhorrent that the Jewish state would expel people to face persecution elsewhere.

Others counter that following the mass murder of its own people as the world looked on, Israel has no more of an obligation to help others than the rest of the world does.

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