Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Greatest Generation Greatly Threatened by Debt Ceiling Standstill (ContributorNetwork)

FIRST PERSON | President Obama is now playing hardball with the Republicans. According to the Los Angeles Times, the president recently announced that unless there is an agreement in place to raise the debt ceiling, Social Security recipients, those on disability and those receiving veterans' checks may not get their expected August, or after, payments.

This message to the public is designed to put massive political pressure on the members of Congress, particularly the Republicans in the House, to take action and raise the debt ceiling. The sticking point is whether to raise taxes. However, as the president may learn, it takes two to tango; the announcement could backfire in his face.

A delay in Social Security checks would deeply impact my family. My grandparents, a World War II veteran and a homemaker who dedicated her life to raising her three children, depend on that money to pay bills, buy groceries and take care of medical bills. That check may not look like much to those on Capitol Hill who make much more than that, but it is lifesaving to many seniors. My grandparents lived through the Great Depression and always knew how to stretch money. They don't spend it on fancy things, but they have a home, food and basic necessities. They, and all the seniors and other citizens facing the same grim outlook, don't deserve to be pawns in some political debate. There are other things in the budget that can, and should, go before they start cutting life-saving benefits.

Another thing that especially makes this announcement painful to my grandparents is the timing. With about 20 days until Aug. 3, there is little time to save up to help them cover the bills that may not be paid or the food they cannot buy. Yes, it could be put on a credit card for most Americans, assuming they have enough credit, but then that can put you behind for the next payment that is missed, depending on how long the stand-off lasts. Officials have known about the debt ceiling for a long time, and they could have mentioned these programs were on the cutting block by offering information to seniors or those who receive the benefits. My family has heard nothing in regards to warnings.

This announcement was poorly timed and threatening to many individuals who rely on these programs. It also makes it seem like both sides are starting to play dirty politics in order to advance their party's ideology. With candidates and potential candidates starting to look toward the upcoming election, now is not the time to be threatening a large segment of the voters. Now is the time to be buckling down and threatening the end of pet projects or other perks of Capitol Hill.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120206/us_ac/8796437_the_greatest_generation_greatly_threatened_by_debt_ceiling_standstill

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