Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pond Aeration: Using a Pond Aerator for Algae Control | Free Submit ...

A pond that was once a pleasant sight can quickly become an ugly eyesore after a full blown algae bloom. To understand algae control techniques, it is important to first learn a bit about why it happens. Knowing this will help you understand why pond aerators pond aeration systems are effective in algae control.

Algae Control: Why it Becomes a Problem

Algae naturally grows in water, so it alone isn?t the problem. A healthy pond ecosystem needs balance, as well as a variety of organisms. Whenever you are looking at any ecosystem and you predominately see one kind of organism, it can be an indicator of imbalance. When the scale is tipped too far to one side, it leaves room for one plant to take over. In this case, when a pond?s ecosystem is out of balance, algae blooms can occur.

The scale is tipped in the favor of algae when there is an abundant supply of nutrients in the water, and not a lot of competition. Aquatic plants are considered competition, so if there aren?t enough plants, algae can take over. However, the situation goes both ways. With an abundant supply of nutrients, aquatic plants can also take over.

In order to bring back balance, you must control the nutrients in the water. How can you do this? One option in algae control is pond aerators pond aeration systems.

Pond Aerators Pond Aeration: How Do Pond Aerators Help in Algae Control?

Since controlling the amount of nutrients that end up in the water would be too hard, a better solution would be to aid the natural processes that allow the pond to handle the nutrients. We know that low-oxygen levels in water create a less than ideal environment for aerobic organisms such as fish. Pond aerators pond aeration systems work to raise oxygen levels in the water so that fish and other algae-eating organisms can thrive. Increasing the oxygen levels helps improve the water quality and promote balance.

Pond aerators also provide benefits in other ways. Besides improving aesthetics by aiding in algae control, a pond aerator will also make the water better for drinking and aquatic activities such as: fishing, boating, and swimming.

Why Use Pond Aerators Pond Aeration Systems? Can?t I Just Dump Some Chemicals in There?

Chemical treatments don?t fix the cause. If chemical algae control treatments are used often, toxic buildup can occur and kill aquatic life. A pond aerators pond aeration system provides a natural solution to restoring the water to a healthy condition.

Installing and Using Pond Aerators Pond Aeration Systems

To maximize effectiveness, pond aerators are customized to meet the needs of the environment it will be installed in. Different aspects such as the size, depth, current water quality, and watershed characteristics are recorded and taken into account. Once an assessment is finished, the appropriate pond aerator can be installed.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelance writer for CLEAN-FLO International. The CLEAN-FLO Process of Water and pond aeration and pond aerators technology provides a custom solution for aeration in your water-body from bottom to top. Get more information about algae control by visiting Clean-flo.com.

Source: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/wordpress/2012/02/14/pond-aeration-using-a-pond-aerator-for-algae-control/

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