Thursday, April 5, 2012

Food & Drink | California Dates a Healthy Holidays Dessert and ...

Soon after halloween the holiday season begins, first we give thanks for having so much or we should be thankful for having so much. Despite a bitter couple of years with massive unemployment and huge losses where many of us lost our homes, we still live in a wonderful country where even those at the bottom of society are not poor by world standards. We have a lot to be thankful and will more likely than not have wonderful memories of sharing with our families.

November is the beginning of the weight gaining season. For whatever reason we chose to make a lot of nice desserts and enjoy big meals during the holiday season. In reality there are just two days we celebrate, but then we have parties, dinners, and gatherings around those two holidays, then we include New Years. In any case, historically we have enjoy turkey, ham, potatoes, yams, pies, and breads, but with the passage of time new foods have been added. Among them is California dates and date based desserts. Dates have been around since the time of Christ and the palm leaves we remember from the bible were actually date palm leaves. Honey in the biblical sense is more likely than not a reference to medjool date honey. Medjool date honey is made from ripe medjool dates, which are so sweet they are often described as nature?s candy.

The medjool date has been a part of western culture well before Christ, it is just that it has never taken off as a dessert or regular food in the US. The vast majority of dates consumed in the US are California dates. California dates are grown in the Palm Springs area. The original medjool date shoots were brought back to California in the early 1900s. The medjool date was attacked in its native lands in the nothern part of the African Continent. From its original lands the medjool date made its way to the US and eventually ended in the Palm Springs area, where the climate is very suitable for dates. Now most dates are California dates, but a few are grown in Arizona and Texas.

Medjool dates are considered to be the King of all dates. Medjool dates are larger and sweeter than other dates. California dates account for about 90% of all dates grown in the US, but medjool dates account for a small percentage of all California dates. The medjool date is very labor intensive. The dates have to be hand picked a few at a time and a lot of work goes into insuring that not too many dates are taken off the palm or left on the palm. The end product reflects the extra care and attention given to medjool dates.

The mejdool date is an ideal food for desserts because of its sweetness and its malleability. It is used extensively as a syrup as well and it has a lot of nutrients not found in other foods, or at least not in the same quantities. California dates are rapidly becoming a favorite food of athletes because of the quality and quantity of carbohydrates. As the holidays approach this a food source your should look for as part of your dessert menu. It is a not only an awesome dessert, but it is a very healthy dessert. California dates are not for diabetics, but clearly a superior choice to other sweeteners and fruits.

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Article Added on Wednesday, April 4, 2012

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