Monday, August 6, 2012

Announcing the SION President's Council: The Fruit of Stockholm

Here is the announcement, from Pamela Geller:

Stockholm was a wild success, far exceeding expectations on so many levels. After an extraordinary rally at Norra Bantorget in Stockholm, the heads of the leading worldwide counter-jihad organizations held a series of workshops and planning meetings. What has emerged from an intense forty-eight hour strategy session is the first activist leadership team uniting counter-jihadists in Europe, the U.S., and Australia: the President's Council of Stop Islamization of Nations (SION).

The initial members of the President's Council are SIOE's Anders Gravers; Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll of the EDL; Debbie Robinson of the Q Society of Australia, Robert Spencer and me. The members of the newly formed council unanimously voted to elect me Council President. I am honored. This is a momentous beginning to what I am confident will become a powerful force for defending freedom worldwide.

The President's Council differs from the SION Board, which includes Swiss parliamentarian Oskar Freysinger; Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media; Ashraf Rameleh of Voice of the Copts; Ali Sina, the renowned ex-Muslim author and founder of; Wafa Sultan, the ex-Muslim human rights activist and author; the German pro-freedom activist Stefan Herre of Politically Incorrect; the Israeli author Dr. Mordechai Kedar; the Hindu human rights activist Babu Suseelan; and Anders Gravers of Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE).

This Board functions in an advisory capacity, while the President's Council is a steering committee. It functions as a mobile, proactive, reactive on-the-ground team developing and executing confidential action plans that strike at the heart of the global anti-freedom agenda.

Our next initiative will be the first session of the International Freedom Defense Congress, which will be held in New York on September 11, 2012. The principal focus of the Congress will be a media workshop pertaining to Islamic supremacist attempts to restrict the freedom of speech in the free world, and the smear campaigns against freedom
fighters in newspapers and media institutions in the West.

The objective of this first-of-its-kind workshop is to develop media-related mechanisms to address the smear campaigns. It will also address the media's double standard regarding Islam and other religions. The Congress will discuss at length the reasons behind and the results of the Western media's offensive campaigns against freedom of speech and the truth about Islam, jihad, Islamic supremacism and Muslims.

The International Freedom Defense Congress will represent a quantum leap in media action, as it discusses, beyond rhetoric, the practical steps to address the phenomenon of the Islamic war against free speech.

This is history in the making; don't miss it. Email to register.


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