Sunday, August 5, 2012

Learn How to be a Negotiation Rock Star! | Work Made For Hire

by Katie


I?ve got three, that?s right three, classes and workshops coming up in August and September! If you?re a creative freelancer you won?t want to miss out. I?ll teach you how to negotiate with confidence, how to set up your business so you?ll get paid and how to read a contract.

First up is my workshop at Geek Girl Con: How to Negotiate Like a Ninja! The workshop takes place Sunday, August 12th at 12:00 in room 202. I?ve designed the workshop for folks who are intimidated by negotiating, either because you?ve been told you?re bad at it (?You?re a girl! Girls can?t negotiate!?) or because the thought of conflict makes you weak in the knees. If you want to ask for a raise, push back on a contract, or confront a collaborator about work they?re not doing, don?t miss this workshop! Plus: it?s free with admission!


By Cortez77_fr via

Second is a class of business skills for creative freelancers at Portland?s own Misfit Academy. In two hours I will teach you how to invoice in a way that will make clients want to pay you, how to identify and understand different types of contracts, and how to decipher business speak.?You?ll leave the class more confident in your business skills and with templates to help you when I?m not around to be your personal cheerleader. The class is limited to 12 students and offered on Tuesday, August 21st or Saturday, August 25th. Tuition is $50 and includes all materials. Don?t miss out; sign up today!

The third class also takes place at the Misfit Academy and is a class designed to help you learn how to read and understand contracts. Have you ever wondered what the heck that liability clause is about? If that NDA still applies? Or how to mark up the contract to get what you want? Then this class is for you! You?ll walk away with a handy list of frequently troublesome clauses and what they mean. This class is also limited to 12 students and is offered on Tuesday, September 18th and Saturday, September 22nd. Tuition is $50 and includes all materials. The class will fill up quickly, so sign up soon!

I?m excited about getting to teach these classes! I hope to see you at one or all of them!

Featured image by gwen via

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