Monday, August 6, 2012


Hi everyone!

So I'm new to the site and very excited I found it. I am not new to RP, though I may be a little rusty...okay, maybe that's a slight understatement. I stopped RPing a while ago; when live chat RP died I moved to boards, and then they started slowly dying left and right. So I grew tired of being disappointed and finally gave up.

I love to draw, but now my personal surroundings aren't quite right, either that or I am now plagued by the creative block gremlin, nasty little sucker. But alas, I may have found a cure in the form of the Gateway!

Okay, so me as a writer: Scifi, supernatural and futuristic are genres I prefer to play and I'm a huge fan of movie and show-verses. Some of those include X-men, Dollhouse, Supernatural, Terminator, Heroes and so much more. I'll try and play a cannon if asked, but for the most part I like to play OCs. I never feel I can do a cannon justice, but I'll try if your patient.

As for my style I do my best to multi para, though sometimes one paragraph is more than enough, any more and its just fluff. I like to play with writers of all levels, this way its a give and take relationship, skills are learned and shared.

Welp, I think that's all I have. I'm looking for a partner or partners so hit me up if interested. And remember, always create something.

Gah, can't wait to start playing.


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