Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cardiac Surgery the Best Technique to Heal Serious Heart Ailments ...

Health and Fitness | Health and Fitness | * Written by Cherilyn Haan | Tuesday, 07 August 2012 03:14 | Word Count: 625

Today we can find millions of people in this world are suffering from cardiac diseases it is specially women who are getting affected by these diseases. Over 200,000 women are dying due to cardiovascular diseases. Hence research shows that women die annually more than men due to the diseases related to heart and blood vessels. Some have coronary arteries blocked fully or partially while others suffer from an irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia) and even there are some who endure problems with valves in the heart. The only solution that can overcome them from such conditions is cardiac surgery. The cardiac surgery can help to replace or repair defective heart valves these are basically done through open heart surgery but today it is often possible with less invasive methods. Sometimes we often find people born with heart problems like a hole in the heart that separates the left and right side which is called as a septal defect. Others suffer from intricate shortcoming called tetralogy of fallot. Therefore severe coronary artery disease, heart failure, and other defect can be solved by undergoing cardiac surgery.

In recent time among all diseases heart disease is the most popular and it has become one of the major causes for the death of millions of people worldwide. There are several reasons for heart disease these are:

???? High blood pressure
???? Inflammation
???? Plaque in the arteries
???? Elevated cortisol levels

People hardly fail to realize the worse phase in their life if they have problems related to heart. There are different types of heart disease like congenital, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, pulmonary, and rheumatic heart disease. Most people have a general idea of what a heart condition is but may not know what the actual symptoms are. One person could clearly be having an attack, a common indicator of heart disease, while someone else could show more subtle symptoms. Therefore cardiac disease is a very serious condition, especially if left undiagnosed. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms at the same severity.? It is good to state that whenever you are coming through the symptoms like chest pain, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, you should right away get in touch with a cardiologist who can help you. It is very important that heart condition should be discovered as soon as possible so that treatment can be put into action straight away.

Roughly 1.5 millions are facing death due to heart attack. And it is women, who are found to have typical symptoms than men like difficulty in breathing, sweaty skin, weakness, and fatigue. The risk factors that are associated with heart attack are:

???? Smoking
???? high blood pressure
???? high cholesterol
???? family history
???? stress
???? lack exercise
???? Hardening of the arteries

In order to reduce the risk factors for heart attack you need to go for exercises, if you are overweight you need to lose weight if you want to lead a happy life and if you are smoker you need to stop and if you have hypertension you need to control your blood pressure and if you have diabetes you need to control your blood sugar level in order to prevent death due to heart attack.? But if the problem becomes immense its better you go for heart surgery and get relief to lead a healthy life.

To get relief from immense heart disease like coronary artery disease, ischemic etc. consult Dr Lim Ing Haan to get paramount solution and prevent death due to heart attack.

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Author of this article: Cherilyn Haan.

Number of Articles Published: 13

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Cherilyn Haan joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Monday, 21 May 2012.

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