Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Monitoring Weapons Bans With Social Media

A system like this would be more or less completely worthless, even assuming they could make the physical hardware accurate enough

The article was pure blue sky, and you seem to be thinking of primary data gathering.

Here's how it would really work in the real world (probably). So you've got a off the shelf U-235 reactor. And an adjacent reprocessing plant. You'd like to make a nice Pu-239 based a-bomb (nagasaki style, hold the wasabi). But there's this pesky non-proliferation treaty. What to do?

Your "U-235" plant contains 90+% U-239 as a non-fissionable filler material. OK so holding a chunk of U-239 in a neutron flux results in

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/_o5T-BVMUmk/monitoring-weapons-bans-with-social-media

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